Saturday, December 29, 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Senior Prom

Last week I did photography for the local senior center. It was a fund raiser to raise money to remodel their kitchen. I had two lighting setups, one for full body shots and one for portraits. They named the evening Senior Prom.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Soccer - 3

Photographed another Soccer game yesterday. Used my Canon 7D and Canon 70/200 – f/2.8 lens. I got some good pictures but I was a little off. Ever have a day like that, everything seems to go okay but you feel like you are a half step out of sequence.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Camera: Canon 7D
Lens: Canon 70-200 f/2.8 & 24-105 f/4
Local semi-pro soccer team
Soccer action pictures from first game of 2018


Camera: Canon 7D
Lens: Canon 70-200 f/2.8 & 24-105 f/4
Local semi-pro soccer team
Soccer team and action pictures from 2016

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Move the Mall

I do volunteer photography for the local senior center and they recently asked me to set up a photo station at one of their events. I used a Godox AD600 strobe and a 40-inch beauty dish soft box. For the backdrop I used a multicolored foil curtain ( . They provided props for the participants to use in the photos. It was quite a learning experience. I had problems with my light reflecting off of storefront windows, bright overhead lights and people who just walked right through my set up. I ended up moving everything into a back corner and lining up some chairs to keep people from walking right in from my camera. I think the photos turned out not great but probably okay. There are a number of things I would do different if I ever do this again, like I said it was a great learning experience.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I’ve been watching a lot of skin smoothing videos on the web lately and this is the best one that I found. It's called Frequency Separation. It’s quick and easy after you do it a few times.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Double Soft-box

I saw an Adorama video last week about using two soft-boxes on one light stand for doing actor head shots. So, I manually had to try and build my own. I started with a heavy duty 9-foot light stand and used some clamps, umbrella adaptor's and half inch hard copper tubing. I put a 24” soft-box on the top and a 20” soft-box on the bottom. Each soft-box was equipped with a Godox V860-II speed light.

I did some sample shoots with my practice mannequin. I will try to do more test shots next week with a real model.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

MagMod Portrait

A friend of mine just last week picked up some MagMod gear. She wants to use it to do some corporate portraits next week and ask me if I would put together a lighting diagram for her. I have some MagMod gear but use it mostly for event photography. In my opinion MagMod modifiers produce light that is too hard for a corporate portrait. But, here is what I came up with. I used a MagSphere on a Godox V860-II speedlite as the main light, a 20” by 30” piece of white foam core as fill light and a MagGrid on another Godox V860-II speedlite on the background. the model is my lovely wife.