Sunday, August 6, 2017

Real Estate Photography

I tried my hand at Real Estate photography today, much harder than it looks. I used my Canon 5D-III, 17-40 f/4L lens, two Godox V860-II flash units and the Godox X1-C controller. I had a good tripod head (Manfrotto 3437), separately adjustable in three directions, but not a geared heat and I used a little level that fits in the camera hot shoe. You must have the camera level to kept the vertical lines straight. I also used a Pixel TW-283 wireless shutter release.

In its simples form the idea is to expose for the windows and use your flash to bring the room light up to match the window. However, it is very hard to get the flash into the right location. Even harder in a small bathroom. To see how the pros do it, there are tons of videos on You-Tube to show you what to do before, during and after you take the picture.

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